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segregation of duties

The goal of our Segregation of Duties Tool (SoD) is to highlight and mitigate potential risks. We can increase the visibility of potential risks or fraudulent incident in your organisation. It highlights the unilateral actions within your organisation that could have irreversible effects.


View how profitable your business was with detail reporting from Revenue, Cost of Sales, Gross Profit, Operating Expenses. Using the Decomposition Tree, you can analyse your income statement from the GL Year to the Sundries Incomes with a click of a button.

roles & responsibilities

Risk can be managed and maintained by viewing the key roles and responsibilities per organisational resource. Roles and responsibilities are closely coupled to mitigating the collusion risk associated with each department and individual. 

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risk per location

With your organisation operating in multiple locations, our SoD tool provides insight into mitigating the potential violations at each location.

Near real-time reporting with FinWorx allows you to access your balance sheet at any given point in time with nearly no human interaction. Just select your reporting metrics and FinWorx will provide the report on your assets, liabilities and shareholders’ equity. The Balance Sheet report will detail the Current Ratio, Acid Test Ration, Cash Ratio, Net Working Capital, Debt Ratio, Equity Ratio, Solvency and more.


Become the future of Finance by digitizing your data and analytics.

rule detail

Our SoD Tool will provide you with the ability to drill-down to view which riles and processes are being violated from location to user access, indicating which rules were being violated with the SYSPRO activities associated to it.

Near real-time reporting with FinWorx allows you to access your balance sheet at any given point in time with nearly no human interaction. Just select your reporting metrics and FinWorx will provide the report on your assets, liabilities and shareholders’ equity. The Balance Sheet report will detail the Current Ratio, Acid Test Ration, Cash Ratio, Net Working Capital, Debt Ratio, Equity Ratio, Solvency and more.


Become the future of Finance by digitizing your data and analytics.

manage your segregation of duties

Prevent a single person from having access to assets and responsibility for maintaining the accountability of your assets. You will be able to update a rule set, mitigate a rule and amend the mitigations. 

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prevent fraud & risk

through the

segregation of duties

Imagine that some of our major internal processes were managed by a single person. One person with the abilitiy to control your assests, one person with the keys, the lock and the code to your organisation. A single human error that could become an expensive action to correct.


Our SoD Tool has been developed to provide you with an in-depth overview of the potential for risk within your organisation and to assist you in mitigating these disatrous outcomes. 

mitigate risk

Mitigate the risk between different roles and responsibilities.

asset control

Safeguard your assets with insights at your fingertips.


Prevent fraud or theft with an overview of your current Segregation of Duties.

one tool

An SoD tool to manage and mitigate risk within your organisation.

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