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frequently asked questions
A few FAQ's at EnterpriseWorx. Should you have questions we need to add on here please send us an email to and we will gladly add these.
What type of services do you offer?We offer our clients services ranging from data warehousing to analytics on their data. Our skilled team also assists clients in creating bespoke software solutions that set their business apart from their competition. Send us an email to enquire more.
How long have you been Microsoft Partners?We have been Microsoft Partners for over 18 years. We have built a wonderful relationship with Microsoft and it has brought our clients siginificant benefits.
Where are you situated?We have office in United Kingdom and South Africa: United Kingdom: 1 Moorfield Close, Moorfield Business Park, Leeds South Africa: 24 Sturdee Avenue, Rosebank, Gauteng
Do you have any other branches?We have another branch in United Kingdom; however, our head office is based in Rosebank, South Africa.
Do you place resources at clients?Yes we do. If the client requires that our team integrates with their teams to work more efficiently we do allow it.
Do you create android or IOS apps?Unfortunately not. However, we can refer you to another talented team that can create you an Android or IOS app.
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